Our Services

Dental implants are beneficial for patients with undesirable missing teeth. Missing teeth weaken the strength of your bite and usually result in a misshapen jaw line. Thickson Mills Dental, located in Whitby, offers dental implants, which are treatments aimed at replacing a missing tooth with an artificial one, which is embedded in the jawbone, below gum lines. These implants are typically made of porcelain, which gives the artificial tooth a natural look and adds a pleasant appearance to your smile. Gold and silver, precious and non precious, metal alternatives are available as well!

Implant Restoration is permanent and can be removed only by a dentist. This treatment restores the strength of your bite and allows you to remain comfortable while chewing or eating. Our dentists in Whitby, Ontario, recommend implant restorations to help resolve the imbalances caused by a missing tooth.

Contact us today or Visit Thickson Mills Dental in Whitby, Ontario


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